From the Department of Administrative law we provide specialized legal advice to public sector entities, private companies and individuals.
We draw up reports and verdicts, we carry out negotiations we assume the defence in administrative proceedings and contentious administrative proceedings of all kinds in different activity sectors.
Our firm will provide advice to you in any matter related to the administration, both through administrative and through contentious administrative proceedings to make requests, allegations, appeals, (permits, licenses, sanctions, inspections, concessions, urban planning, expropriations, etc.).
In the same way, if you have suffered harm due to the abnormal functioning of the administration. Our firm carries out the necessary actions to obtain the appropriate compensation.
The area of Administrative Law of MARCELINO MARCOS MIGUEL ABOGADOS & ASESORES offers you specialized legal advice in the following matters:
  • Administrative appeals
  • Authorizations and licenses
  • Proceedings before the Public Administration
  • Disciplinary and sanctioning proceedings
  • Expropriations
  • Administrative sanctions
  • Subsidies and aid

Although in the areas not described on these pages we can offer expert service of colleagues associated to this firm. This way the client has access to the advice of two legal services officers (one provided by the expert partner on the matter in question and one provided by our firm all at the same price).

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