Our professional qualification in the different legal matters converge in these kinds of transactions and the knowledge of the practices in the sector allow us to provide advice in the different areas related with the real estate activities, purchase of immovable property, housing companies, rentals, promotional and construction contracts, real estate financing.
We provide advice on participations of complex land transactions and negotiations that require a extensive expertise.
Among the most outstanding services of urban DEVELOPMENT and PROPERTY, the following have to be pointed out:
  • Purchasing agreement. We have a team of attorneys specialized in legal aspects of all kinds of properties with specific knowledge of the legal aspects to consider for the purchase or sale, as well as in the financing of real estate projects creation of guarantees. In addition because we are firm with collaboration agreements with other law professionals, we complement sectorial experience with advice in all the other legal specialties liable to be concerned (fiscal, work, competence, etc.).
  • Lease contracts. Our firm negotiates and advices on all kinds of lease contracts of all sorts of real estate and commercial properties.
  • Licensing and town planning due diligence. Advice to obtain and grant building permits and any other kind of licenses, urban development permits, occupation, license for operation, etc. Due Diligences.
  • Construction defects. Our firm can provide you with advice on all the aspects related to construction and real estate law in the face of dealing with any problems that may occur due to an inadequate execution of a works contract, delay or breach. Likewise, we provide you with suitable advice when you purchase a property.

    Accordingly, we will pursue liability actions against architects, development companies, construction companies or any other professionals, who have intervened in the construction or purchases apartment or property both for construction defects and for breach of purchase contract or of its conditions.

  • Urban discipline sanctions and appeals
  • Deeds and notarial procedures
  • Land registry

Although in the areas not described on these pages we can offer expert service of colleagues associated to this firm. This way the client has access to the advice of two legal services officers (one provided by the expert partner on the matter in question and one provided by our firm all at the same price).

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